- 225g/8oz smoked haddock fillet
- 25g/1oz butter
- 1 onion, finely chopped
- 600ml/1pt milk
- 350g/12oz potatoes, diced
- 350g/12oz cod, boned, skinned and cubed
- 150ml/5fl oz double cream
- 2 tablespoons chopped fresh flat-leaf parsley
- salt and freshly ground black pepper
- Put the haddock fillet in a large frying pan and cover with boiling water.
Let stand for 10 minutes, then drain, reserving 300ml/10fl oz of the
soaking water. Flake the fish, taking care to remove all the bones. - Melt the butter in a large saucepan over a low heat. Add the onion and
sweat gently for 10 minutes until softened. Add the milk and bring to a
gentle simmer before adding the potatoes. Cook for 10 minutes. - Add the reserved haddock flakes and the cod. Simmer for a further
10 minutes until the cod is tender. - Remove about one-third of the fish and potatoes, put in a blender or
food processor and purée until smooth. Return to the soup with the
cream, parsley and salt and pepper to taste. Add a little of the reserved
soaking water if the soup seems too thick. Reheat gently and serve hot.