This creamy, slightly fermented nut “cheese” is a very nutritious and tasty stand-in for a soft cheese. You can leave it soft and creamy and enjoy the active acidophilus cultures as well, or you can bake it for a firmer, sliceable cheese

- 1 cup/115 g raw cashews
- 1 acidophilus capsule Canola oil
- ½ cup/55 g slivered/flaked blanched
- almonds, soaked in water overnight
- 1 tsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
- ½ tsp salt
- Olive oil, for drizzling (optional)
- In a heavy-duty blender or food processor, finely grind the
cashews, then add ½ cup/120 ml water and the contents of
the acidophilus capsule and puree until very smooth. Transfer
the mixture to a storage container or bowl and cover loosely
with plastic wrap/cling film or a towel. Leave it at room temperature for 24 hours to ferment. The mixture will bubble
slightly, have tiny holes in the surface, and smell lightly sour.
If it is a hot day, don’t leave it out any longer than 24 hours,
or it may sprout mold. - The second day, oil an 8-oz/240-ml ramekin. Drain the
almonds and puree them in a blender or food processor. Add
the fermented mixture, lemon juice, and salt and process
to mix. Scrape the mixture out into the oiled ramekin and
either refrigerate it (for a soft texture) or bake (for a firmer
texture). To bake, drizzle the top with olive oil and bake at
300°F/150°C/gas 2 for 30 minutes, until lightly toasted and
dry on top. Refrigerate, tightly covered, for up to 1 week