![Fish in aspic in white table]()
![Fish in aspic in white table](https://foodlovi.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Salmon-in-aspic-585x518.jpg)
- 1.8kg/4lb whole fresh salmon
- 1 teaspoon aspic jelly crystals
- 2 tablespoons redcurrant jelly
- For the sauce
- 150ml/5fl oz red wine vinegar
- 1 onion, sliced
- 3 bay leaves
- 12 black peppercorns
- 450ml/3⁄4pt wate
- Put the sauce ingredients in a large pan, and simmer for 20 minutes.
Cool and drain through a sieve. - Put the salmon in a large heavy roasting tin, and pour the sauce over it.
Cover the tin and poach very gently for 20–30 minutes. Leave to cool. - When completely cold, gently lift the fish out of the roasting tin. Carefully
peel off the skin and scrape off any dark brown flesh. - Strain the cooking liquid through muslin, pour into a large pan and boil
over a high heat until the liquid has reduced to 300ml/10fl oz. Add the
aspic and redcurrant jelly, and stir to dissolve. Leave to cool and chill
until nearly set. - Arrange the salmon on a plate, and brush with the liquid aspic. Chill
before serving