- For the batter
- 100g/4oz plain flour pinch of salt
- 1 egg plus 1 egg yolk
- 300ml/10fl oz coconut milk
- 4 teaspoons sunflower oil, plus extra for frying
- For the filling
- 1 banana
- 1 papaya
- juice of 1 lime
- 2 passion fruit
- 1 mango
- 4 lychees
- 2 tablespoons honey
- To make the batter, sift the flour and salt into a bowl. Make a well in the
centre, and add the egg, egg yolk and a little of the coconut milk.
Gradually draw the flour into the egg mixture, beating well and slowly
adding the remaining coconut milk to make a smooth batter. Stir in the
4 teaspoons sunflower oil. Cover and chill for 30 minutes - To make the fruit filling, peel and slice the banana, and peel and slice
the papaya, discarding the seeds. Put the banana and papaya in a
bowl, add the lime juice and mix well. - Cut the passion fruit in half, and scoop out the pulp and seeds into the
fruit bowl. Peel, stone and dice the mango, and add to the other fruit.
Peel, stone and halve the lychees, and also add to the fruit. Toss through
gently, then stir in the honey. - Heat a little oil in a 15cm/6in frying pan. Pour in just enough of the
pancake batter to cover the bottom of the pan, and tilt the pan so that
the batter spreads thinly and evenly. - Cook until the pancake is just set and the underside is lightly browned,
then turn and cook on the other side. Remove from the pan and keep
warm. Repeat with the remaining batter to make a total of 8 pancakes. - Put a little fruit filling in the centre of each pancake, then roll into a cone.
Serve immediately.