![Shrimp cocktail]()
![Shrimp cocktail](https://foodlovi.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Prawn-cocktail-585x408.jpg)
- 4 tablespoons mayonnaise
- 4 tablespoons single cream
- 2 teaspoons tomato purée
- 2 teaspoons lemon juice
- dash of Worcestershire sauce dash of dry sherry
- salt and ground black pepper
- 225g/8oz peeled and deveined cooked prawns
- a few lettuce leaves, shredded
- lemon slices, to garnish
- Put the mayonnaise, cream, tomato
purée, lemon juice, Worcestershire
sauce and sherry in a small bowl,
and mix together. Season with salt
and pepper. - Add the prawns and stir well until
the prawns are coated. - To serve, put the shredded lettuce
in the bottom of four glasses, and
top with the prawn mixture.
Garnish each prawn cocktail with
lemon slices, and serve cold.